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A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

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Item Name↓Code NameIDDesc
Red Denim PantsredDenimPants492Be really comfortable & get a little protection against the weather and other damage types in this fine denim apparel.
Red BandanabandanaRed483
Raw MeatrawMeat735Meat can be eaten raw but is better charred grilled boiled or made into stews at a campfire. Can attract zombies if carried.
Raphael's Treasure Mapqt_raphael1226
Purple Tank ToptankTopPurple499
Puffer CoatpufferCoat520Keep toasty warm even in the coldest environments with this hand quilted Puffer Coat
Potato SeedspotatoSeed1411Plant potato tubers - seeds in layman terms - in fertile dirt to grow potato plants.
Potatopotato750Potatoes can be eaten crafted into seeds or used in several recipes at the campfire.
Plant FibersyuccaFibers1300Plant fibers are a common resource acquired from destroying grass & small plants. Can be used to craft many things including clothing.
Plant Fiber ShoesplantFiberShoes353
Plant Fiber ShirtplantFiberShirt351
Plant Fiber PantsplantFiberPants350Plant fiber clothing provides basic protection against cold weather but is not ideal against other damage types.
Plant Fiber HoodplantFiberHood352
Plant Fiber HatplantFiberHat452This plant fiber hat will keep you cooler in extreme hot weather and provide basic protection against other damage types.
Plant Fiber GlovesplantFiberGloves354
Pistol ReceiverpartsPistol_receiver211A part of the pistol. Assemble with other parts to create a complete pistol once you've read the pistol book.
Pistol PartspartsPistol_parts212A part of the pistol. Assemble with other parts to create a complete pistol once you've read the pistol book.
Pistol GrippartsPistol_grip210A part of the pistol. Assemble with other parts to create a complete pistol once you've read the pistol book.
Pistol BookpistolBook921Read the pistol book to learn how to assemble repair and augment 9mm pistols.
Pistol BarrelpartsPistol_barrel213A part of the pistol. Assemble with other parts to create a complete pistol once you've read the pistol book.
PistolgunPistol40A basic pistol. Uses 9mm ammo. Can be re-assembled and repaired if you read the pistol book.
Pipe BombpipeBomb180Make pipe bombs with gun powder pipes & plant fibers. Light them with the secondary action & throw them with the primary action.
Pine SeedpineSeed1420Plant these seeds in dirt to grow a tree.
Paperpaper1328Paper can be used with other ingredients to make shotgun ammo blunderbuss ammo TNT and more.
Painkillerspainkillers666Pain killers heal you slowly over time but will dehydrate you a little.
Padlockpadlock272A padlock can be used to protect vehicles from theft.
Old Sham SandwichshamSandwich732A really old sham sandwich made by Shamway. It will take away the hunger but there's a risk that comes with it.
Oil ShaleoilShale1311Oil shale can be found in the desert and crafted into gas in a beaker at the campfire.
Oiloil1360Oil is a key ingredient for crafting repair kits.
Nurse You Back To Health Challengeqc_nurseyoubacktohealth1182
Nitrate PowderpotassiumNitratePowder1346Hey captain caveman! Nitrate can be used to make gunpowder and cave stalagmites are rich in it.
Night Vision GogglesnightvisionGoggles474These night vision goggles provide a little face protection but probably don't work any more.
Nickole's Treasure Mapqt_nickole1221
Nailsnail1353Nails are used to build furniture large storage crates and as ammo for the nail gun.
Nailgunnailgun128The nail gun is the best tool for repairing and upgrading base walls and not a bad weapon to boot if you have nails.
Nail Some Chicks Challengeqc_nailsomechicks1191A strange note I discovered in my travels. It's from the Slick Willie Clan.
Mushroomsmushrooms757Mushrooms can be safely eaten uncooked or used in several recipes at the campfire.
Moldy BreadmoldyBread731Eat at your own risk. Can be used to craft antibiotics at a campfire with a beaker.
Mining HelmetminingHelmet464This helmet offers good concussive & puncture defense & the added bonus of a mobile light source. No more dark caves for you.
Minibikes For DumbshitsminibikesForDumbshits1003Even total dumbshits can build a minibike if they follow the steps in this simple guide...Varoom...varoom!
Minibike WheelsminibikeWheels271A part of the minibike. Assemble with other parts and set into a placed chassis once you've read the schematic.
Minibike SeatminibikeSeat270A part of the minibike. Assemble with other parts and set into a placed chassis once you've read the schematic.
Minibike HandlebarsminibikeHandlebars273A part of the minibike. Assemble with other parts and set into a placed chassis once you've read the schematic.
Minibike ChassisminibikeChassis269Put the chassis on your toolbelt and place it on the ground to start assembling a minibike.
Military VestmilitaryVest394
Military Leg ArmormilitaryLegArmor393
Military HelmetmilitaryHelmet391The military helmet offers the very best damage protection in the wasteland.
Military GlovesmilitaryGloves390Military armor provides the best armor defense and moderate weather protection.
Military FibermilitaryFiber1330Military grade synthetic fibers are used to repair military armor. (ballistic armor to be accurate)
Military BootsmilitaryBoots392
Meat StewmeatStew740A survivor isn't worth his salt if he can't make a meat stew. Raises wellness too!
Maple SeedmapleSeed1421Plant these seeds in dirt to grow a tree.
Man Eater Challengeqc_maneater1187
Machetemachete22Great for chopping zombie limbs off and gutting animals for meat.
MacDyvers BookmacDyverBook1018Learn MacDyver's secret to making scrap metal armor and more by reading this gem by the king of made-up stuff.
Lump of Coalcoal1345A great fuel source. Can also be used to make torches as well as being a core ingredient for gunpowder.
Lump of ClayclayLump1319Clay a key resource for forging can be seen as brown spots on the map found along bodies of water & dug from the earth.
Leather TanningleatherTanning1010Learn how to craft leather from animal hide by reading this book you little smarty pants
Leather Leg Armor SchematicleatherPantsSchematic1012Learn how to craft leather leg armor by reading this schematic.
Leather Leg ArmorleatherPants372
Leather Hood SchematicleatherHoodSchematic1014Learn how to craft leather hoods by reading this schematic.
Leather HoodleatherHood374
Leather Gloves SchematicleatherGlovesSchematic1015Learn how to craft leather gloves by reading this schematic.
Leather GlovesleatherGloves371
Leather DusterleatherDuster517Leather clothing provides a great combination of insulation from the weather and protection from other damage types.
Leather Chest Armor SchematicleatherJacketSchematic1013Learn how to craft leather chest armor by reading this schematic.
Leather Chest ArmorleatherJacket373
Leather Boots SchematicleatherBootsSchematic1011Learn how to craft leather boots by reading this schematic.
Leather BootsleatherBoots370Leather clothing provides a great combination of insulation from the weather and protection from other damage types.
Leatherleather1313Leather can be used to make a variety of things including clothing and crossbows once you've read the leather book.
Lead Trophytrophy21388Lead objects can be scrapped into scrap lead in your backpack or smelted in a forge as a core resource.
Lead Fishing WeightfishingWeight1386Lead objects can be scrapped into scrap lead in your backpack or smelted in a forge as a core resource.
Lead Car BatterycarBattery1432Car batteries can be used in vehicles scrapped for lead in your backpack or smelted at the forge for lead.
LeadscrapLead1318A core resource for forging can be used to make bullet tips and more in the forge.
Large Bonefemur18A rather ordinary femur. It could be useful.
Large Beef RationcanBeef706It's not from your favorite steakhouse but this can of beef will fill you up. Bon appetit!
Lamb RationscanLamb709Lamb rations are great when the world has ended and your on the lamb.
Lady Killer Challengeqc_ladykiller1186
Kill The Wabbit Challengeqc_killthewabbit1190A strange note I discovered in my travels. It's from the Slick Willie Clan.
Jennifer's Treasure Mapqt_jennifer1223
Jar of HoneyfoodHoney700Honey is one of mother nature's miracles it restores stamina gives wellness & can cure the first stage of an infection.
Itsy Bitsy Spider Challengeqc_itsbitsyspider1185
Iron Sledgehammersledgehammer12The sledgehammer is one of the best weapons for cracking skulls with a better chance to score a critical blow.
Iron ShovelshovelIron118The iron shovel is great for digging through earth sand or snow.
Iron Reinforced ClubclubIron7Like a wooden club but more durable and does more damage.
Iron PickaxepickaxeIron113The iron pickaxe is great for breaking stone and harvesting minerals.
Iron Leg Armor.ironLegArmor384
Iron Leg Armor SchematicironLegArmorSchematic1023Learn how to craft iron leg armor by reading this schematic.
Iron Helmet SchematicironHelmetSchematic1021Learn how to craft iron helmets by reading this schematic.
Iron HelmetironHelmet386
Iron Gloves SchematicironGlovesSchematic1025Learn how to craft iron gloves by reading this schematic.
Iron GlovesironGloves387
Iron Garden HoehoeIron122The iron gardening hoe is great tool for turning poor soil into fertile soil for planting crops.
Iron FragmentsironFragment1303A core forging item that can also be used to craft blunderbuss ammo.
Iron FireaxefireaxeIron107The fireaxe is good for harvesting wood and has a better chance to dismember than most weapons.
Iron Crossbow BoltironCrossbowBolt171An iron crossbow bolt does more damage than the basic wooden crossbow bolt. Hold reload to use alternate ammo.
Iron Chest Armor SchematicironChestArmorSchematic1022Learn how to craft iron chest armor by reading this schematic.
Iron Chest ArmorironChestArmor385
Iron Boots SchematicironBootsSchematic1024Learn how to craft iron boots by reading this schematic.
Iron BootsironBoots383Iron clothing provides great protection against concussive and puncture damage but no cold weather protection.
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Updated to Version 14.7 Stable
Created by Nolan Ritchie