Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun
- CodeName
- DoubleBarrelShotgunSawnoff
- Weight
- 3.5
- Type
- Weapon
- icon
- ShotgunDoublebarrel
- AimingMod
- 2
- AimingPerkCritModifier
- 4
- AimingPerkHitChanceModifier
- 5
- AimingTime
- 20
- AmmoBox
- ShotgunShellsBox
- AmmoType
- Base.ShotgunShells
- AngleFalloff
- AttachmentType
- Rifle
- BreakSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunBreak
- ClickSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunJam
- Chance to lower condition on hit
- 1.7%
- Maximum Condition / Durability
- 10
- Damage Increase on a Critical Hit
- 200%
- Chance to get a Critical Hit
- 80%
- DisplayCategory
- Weapon
- DoorDamage
- 30
- EjectAmmoSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunEjectAmmo
- EjectAmmoStartSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunEjectAmmoStart
- EjectAmmoStopSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunEjectAmmoStop
- EquipSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunEquip
- haveChamber
- HitChance
- 80
- ImpactSound
- null
- InsertAllBulletsReload
- InsertAmmoSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunInsertAmmo
- InsertAmmoStartSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunInsertAmmoStart
- InsertAmmoStopSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunInsertAmmoStop
- IsAimedFirearm
- IsAimedHandWeapon
- JamGunChance
- 0
- KnockBackOnNoDeath
- KnockdownMod
- 8
- MaxAmmo
- 2
- MaxDamage
- 2.7
- MaxHitCount
- 4
- MaxRange
- 8
- MetalValue
- 45
- MinAngle
- 0.657
- MinDamage
- 2
- MinRange
- 0.67
- MultipleHitConditionAffected
- ProjectileCount
- 5
- PushBackMod
- 0.8
- RackAfterShoot
- Ranged
- RangeFalloff
- RecoilDelay
- 50
- ReloadTime
- 25
- RequiresEquippedBothHands
- RunAnim
- Run_Weapon2
- ShareDamage
- ShellFallSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunCartridgeFall
- SoundGain
- 2
- SoundVolume
- 200
- SplatBloodOnNoDeath
- SplatNumber
- 5
- StopPower
- 40
- SubCategory
- Firearm
- SwingSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunShoot
- SwingTime
- 2
- TwoHandWeapon
- UnequipSound
- SawnOffDoubleBarrelShotgunUnEquip
- UseEndurance
- WeaponReloadType
- doublebarrelshotgunsawn
- WeaponSprite
- ShotgunDoubleBarrelSawn
Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun Locations
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %200 in quantities of 0 to 1 in items Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %0 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %0 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %0 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %0 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %32 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
- Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun %32 in quantities of 0 to 4 in crate Containers
Use in Crafting / Recipes
- Recipes / Crafts to Create Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun / How to make Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun:
- #1) Saw Off Double Barrel Shotgun → Creates → 1 x Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun
- Recipes / Crafts that Use Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun as an Ingredient / How to Use Sawn Off Double Barrel Shotgun:
- No Recipies found
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