- CodeName
- Cheese
- Weight
- 0.2
- Type
- Food
- icon
- Cheese
- Calories
- 113
- Carbohydrates
- 0.87
- DaysFresh
- 14
- DaysTotallyRotten
- 20
- DisplayCategory
- Food
- Adds Food Value to Recipes:
- +15 to Soup
+5 to Sandwich
+5 to Burger
+5 to Salad
+15 to PastaPot
+15 to PastaPan
- FoodType
- NoExplicit
- HungerChange
- -15
- Lipids
- 9.33
- Proteins
- 6.4
- Tags
- Cheese
- WorldStaticModel
- Cheese
Cheese Locations
- Cheese %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in items Containers
- Cheese %32 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %16 in quantities of 0 to 4 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %2200 in quantities of 0 to 20 in counter Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %16 in quantities of 0 to 4 in fridge Containers
- Cheese %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in fridge Containers
Use in Crafting / Recipes
- #1) Cut Cheese Wheel → Creates → 8 x Cheese
- #1) Fill Large Tupperware Container with Food → Creates → 1 x Large Tupperware Container with Food
- #2) Fill Medium Tupperware Container with Food → Creates → 1 x Medium Tupperware Container with Food
- #3) Fill Small Tupperware Container with Food → Creates → 1 x Small Tupperware Container with Food
- #4) Fish in Pond with Bait → Creates → 1 x Little Bait Fish
- #5) Grate Cheese → Creates → 1 x Grated Cheese
- #6) Make Quiche → Creates → 1 x Pie Pan with Quiche
- #7) Prepare Lasagna → Creates → 1 x Lasagna
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