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A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

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Item Name↓Code NameIDDesc
Woodwood1301A piece of wood. Great for building tools and constructing wood frames for building.
Stick of Dynamitedynamite181A stick of dynamite can be lit with the secondary action & thrown with the primary action. The throwing part is very important.
Paperpaper1328Paper can be used with other ingredients to make shotgun ammo blunderbuss ammo TNT and more.
Military FibermilitaryFiber1330Military grade synthetic fibers are used to repair military armor. (ballistic armor to be accurate)
Lump of Coalcoal1345A great fuel source. Can also be used to make torches as well as being a core ingredient for gunpowder.
Leatherleather1313Leather can be used to make a variety of things including clothing and crossbows once you've read the leather book.
Cloth Fragmentcloth1327Cloth is a staple for survival used for clothing bandages and more.
Updated to Version 14.7 Stable
Created by Nolan Ritchie