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A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

A list of all Items in 7 Days to Die

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Item Name↓Code NameIDDesc
Stone ShovelstoneShovel117The stone shovel is a primitive tool useful for digging dirt sand or snow.
Machetemachete22Great for chopping zombie limbs off and gutting animals for meat.
Large Bonefemur18A rather ordinary femur. It could be useful.
Iron Sledgehammersledgehammer12The sledgehammer is one of the best weapons for cracking skulls with a better chance to score a critical blow.
Iron ShovelshovelIron118The iron shovel is great for digging through earth sand or snow.
Iron PickaxepickaxeIron113The iron pickaxe is great for breaking stone and harvesting minerals.
Iron FireaxefireaxeIron107The fireaxe is good for harvesting wood and has a better chance to dismember than most weapons.
Hunting KnifehuntingKnife21Great for slashing zombies and gutting animals for meat.
Flashlightflashlight0217A flashlight can be used for a light source by toggling on your light source action. It can also be attached to most guns.
Bone ShivboneShiv19This primitive makeshift weapon is also useful for gutting animals.
clubMasterclubMaster1A wooden club. Good for breaking knees and skulls.
Updated to Version 14.7 Stable
Created by Nolan Ritchie