Recipe / Craft: "Make Chlorgas Grenade"
- Result
- 1 x Chlorgas Grenade
- Time to Create
- 200
- Category
- Engineer
- Must Learn from Book
- Anarchist Cookbook
Required Tools / Ingredients / Skills
- 1 x Bleach
- Consumed
- 1 x Cleaning Liquid
- Consumed
- 25% use of Duct Tape OR1 x Adhesive TapeOR25% use of Masking TapeOR25% use of Packing TapeOR25% use of Electric Tape
- Consumed
- 1 x Detonator MK1
- Consumed
- 1 x Plastic Bag OR1 x Garbage Bag
- Consumed
- 1 x Empty Bottle OR1 x Empty Pop Bottle
- Consumed
Other Information on Recipe: Make Chlorgas Grenade
- OnGiveXP
- HCHunger_OnGiveXP