Informacja na temat receptury z Project Zomboid: /*these recipes are commented out as they are obsolete; they don\'t produce acurrate results as opposed to useing them to make so

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Powrót do listy receptur

  • Receptura: "/*these recipes are commented out as they are obsolete; they don\'t produce acurrate results as opposed to useing them to make so"

  • Rezultat
  • 1 x
  • Czas na przygotowanie
  • 1
  • Kategoria
  • Misc
  • Potrzebna wiedza z książki
  • false
  • Wymagane narzędzia / składniki / umiejętności

  • x
Updated to PZ Version 41.78.16 - Hydrocraft Version B41 Beta - ORGM Version Rechambered 3.09.1
Created by Nolan Ritchie
Tłumaczenie autorstwa Krzysztofa 'ArmoredSquirrel' Krawczyka
Styling by Steven Wilson