Recipe / Craft: "Make Photography Workbench"
- Result
- 1 x Photography Workbench
- Time to Create
- 400
- Category
- Engineer
- Must Learn from Book
- Photography Textbook
Required Tools / Ingredients / Skills
- 1 x Hammer
- Keep
- 1 x Bottle Opener
- Consumed
- 1 x Camera
- Consumed
- 6 x Clothespin
- Consumed
- 3 x Film Canister
- Consumed
- 2 x Roll of Film
- Consumed
- 1 x Red Flashlight Bulb
- Consumed
- 1 x Small Flashlight
- Consumed
- 1 x Measuring Cup
- Consumed
- 1 x Film Devloper
- Consumed
- 1 x Film Fixer
- Consumed
- 1 x Large Plastic Bin
- Consumed
- 1 x Thin Rope
- Consumed
- 1 x Rubber Gloves
- Consumed
- 1 x Workbench
- Consumed
- 1 x Nails
- Consumed
- 3 x Newspaper
- Consumed
- 1 x Roasting Pan
- Consumed
- 1 x Saw
- Keep
- 1 x Scissors
- Consumed
- 1 x Timer
- Consumed
- 10% use of Vinegar
- Consumed
- 1 x Sturdy Stick
- Consumed
Other Information on Recipe: Make Photography Workbench
- CanBeDoneFromFloor
- true
- OnGiveXP
- HCHunger_OnGiveXP
- Sound
- PZ_Hammer