Item Name↓ | Code Name | ID | Desc |
 | Worn Boots | wornBoots | 507 | Do walk a mile in someone else's boots. They surely won't need them any more. |
 | White Tank Top | tankTopWhite | 497 | Show off your biceps while getting a little protection against the weather and other damage types with this cotton tank top. |
 | White T-Shirt | tshirtWhite | 537 | Show off your biceps while getting a little protection against the weather and other damage types with this cotton shirt. |
 | White Sweatshirt | sweatshirt | 531 | Get a little protection against the weather and other damage types with this fine cotton shirt. |
 | SWAT Helmet | swatHelmet | 465 | The SWAT helmet is 2nd only to the military helmet in protection. |
 | Skull Cap | skullCap | 456 | This finely woven piece of headgear will make you wish every day was the first day of winter! |
 | Shirt | shirt | 509 | Get a little protection against the weather and other damage types with this fine cotton shirt. |
 | Shades | shades | 471 | Sunglasses make you look cool and also cool you down in hot weather. |
 | Scrap Boots | scrapBoots | 377 | Scrap iron clothing provides good protection against concussive and puncture damage but will not keep you warm. |
 | Puffer Coat | pufferCoat | 520 | Keep toasty warm even in the coldest environments with this hand quilted Puffer Coat |
 | Plant Fiber Pants | plantFiberPants | 350 | Plant fiber clothing provides basic protection against cold weather but is not ideal against other damage types. |
 | Night Vision Goggles | nightvisionGoggles | 474 | These night vision goggles provide a little face protection but probably don't work any more. |
 | Mining Helmet | miningHelmet | 464 | This helmet offers good concussive & puncture defense & the added bonus of a mobile light source. No more dark caves for you. |
 | Military Gloves | militaryGloves | 390 | Military armor provides the best armor defense and moderate weather protection. |
 | Leather Duster | leatherDuster | 517 | Leather clothing provides a great combination of insulation from the weather and protection from other damage types. |
 | Leather Boots | leatherBoots | 370 | Leather clothing provides a great combination of insulation from the weather and protection from other damage types. |
 | Iron Boots | ironBoots | 383 | Iron clothing provides great protection against concussive and puncture damage but no cold weather protection. |
 | Hazmat Boots | hazmatBoots | 397 | Hazmat gear not only protects you from radiation it can keep you dry and reasonably warm. |
 | Goggles | goggles | 473 | Goggles provide a little face protection. |
 | Gasmask | gasMask | 469 | A gas mask provides a little face protection. |
 | Football Helmet | footballHelmet | 466 | Get great concussive & puncture defense & you can cheer for your favorite team as if organized football still existed. |
 | Cowboy Hat | cowboyHat | 450 | Look cool and keep your cool in hotter environments when you wear this stylish ten gallon hat. |
 | Cloth Boots | clothBoots | 357 | Cloth provides some protection against the weather and a little protection against other damage types. |
 | Cigarette | cigarette | 478 | |
 | Cigar | cigar | 477 | You do love it when a plan comes together don't you? |
 | Blue Denim Pants | denimPants | 490 | Be really comfortable & get a little protection against the weather and other damage types in this fine denim apparel. |
 | Black Denim Pants | blackDenimPants | 491 | Be really comfortable & get a little protection against the weather and other damage types in this fine denim apparel. |
 | Baseball Cap | ballCap | 453 | Cloth provides some protection against the weather and a little protection against other damage types. |
 | Bandana | bandana | 482 | Bandanas keep you cooler in hot weather & like all clothing provide some protection against other damage types. |
 | Aviator Goggles | aviatorGoggles | 472 | Aviator goggles provide a little face protection and make you look really cool. |
 | Animal Hide Poncho | animalHidePoncho | 481 | Leather clothing provides a great combination of insulation from the weather and protection from other damage types. |
 | Animal Hide Boots | animalHideBoots | 364 | Animal hide clothing provides sound protection against cold weather and does a fair job against other damage types. |
 | backpackMedium | backpackMedium | 527 | |