Batería معلومات حول شى مشروع زومبويد

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العودة إلى قائمة اشياء
  • Batería

  • اسم الرمز
  • Battery
  • وزن
  • 0.1
  • نوع
  • Drainable
  • رمز
  • Battery
  • جزء من التعديل
  • Hydrocraft
  • الصفات

  • cantBeConsolided
  • TRUE
  • DisplayCategory
  • Electronics
  • MetalValue
  • 1
  • UseDelta
  • 0.00001
  • UseWhileEquipped
  • WorldStaticModel
  • Battery
  • Batería اماكن

↓ Approximate spawn chance in all Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in bin Containers
    Batería %8 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in counter, sidetable, and crate Containers
    Batería %1 in quantities of 0 to 1 in crate Containers
    Batería %1 in quantities of 0 to 1 in Garbagebag Containers
    Batería %20 in quantities of 0 to 5 in metal_shelves Containers
    Batería %3 in quantities of 0 to 1 in officedrawers Containers
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in other Containers
    Batería %12 in quantities of 0 to 2 in sidetable Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in electronicsstore Areas ↓
    Batería %4 in quantities of 0 to 1 in counter Containers
    Batería %4 in quantities of 0 to 1 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in grocerystorage Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in bin Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in housewarestore Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in motelroomoccupied Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in bin Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in theatrestorage Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in crate Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in toolstore Areas ↓
    Batería %10 in quantities of 0 to 1 in counter Containers
    Batería %10 in quantities of 0 to 1 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in all Areas ↓
    Batería %2 in quantities of 0 to 1 in other Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in armyhanger Areas ↓
    Batería %8 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
    Batería %8 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in batteryfactory Areas ↓
    Batería %2200 in quantities of 0 to 20 in crate Containers
    Batería %2200 in quantities of 0 to 20 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in batterystorage Areas ↓
    Batería %2200 in quantities of 0 to 20 in crate Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in bedroom Areas ↓
    Batería %1 in quantities of 0 to 1 in crate Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in closet Areas ↓
    Batería %55 in quantities of 0 to 5 in crate Containers
    Batería %32 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in controlroom Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in counter Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in departmentstorage Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in Electrician Areas ↓
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in crate Containers
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in electronicsstorage Areas ↓
    Batería %960 in quantities of 0 to 16 in metal_shelves Containers
    Batería %960 in quantities of 0 to 16 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in electronicsstore Areas ↓
    Batería %960 in quantities of 0 to 16 in counter Containers
    Batería %960 in quantities of 0 to 16 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in garagestorage Areas ↓
    Batería %55 in quantities of 0 to 5 in crate Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in generalstore Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in generalstorestorage Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in gigamart Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in housewarestore Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in kitchen Areas ↓
    Batería %8 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in kitchenwares Areas ↓
    Batería %240 in quantities of 0 to 8 in shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in livingroom Areas ↓
    Batería %8 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
    Batería %32 in quantities of 0 to 4 in wardrobe Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in radiofactory Areas ↓
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in crate Containers
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in radioshipping Areas ↓
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in crate Containers
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in radiostorage Areas ↓
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in crate Containers
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in storageunit Areas ↓
    Batería %55 in quantities of 0 to 5 in crate Containers
    Batería %1 in quantities of 0 to 1 in metal_shelves Containers
↓ Approximate spawn chance in toolstore Areas ↓
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in counter Containers
    Batería %40 in quantities of 0 to 4 in shelves Containers
  • يستعمل بلوصفات و صنع

العودة إلى قائمة اشياء
Updated to PZ Version 41.78.16 - Hydrocraft Version B41 Beta - ORGM Version Rechambered 3.09.1
Created by Nolan Ritchie
KILLE_zero تمت الترجمه قائمة بمعامل
Styling by Steven Wilson